Author: Stadlinger, Bernd / Terheyden, Hendrik

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Inflammatory Reactions

Prețul inițial a fost: 488 lei.Prețul curent este: 189 lei.

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 2
2nd Edition 2013
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in a hardcover; NTSC/PAL
Language: English
Categories: Human Medicine, Periodontics

Stock No.: 5791
ISBN 978-1-85097-243-3
QP Deutschland


Visualizing the invisible while experiencing a fascination with science is the great challenge that Cell-to-Cell Communication, representing an all-new genre, has set out to meet. A spectacularly sophisticated computer animation in HD quality depicts the highly complex processes of intercellular interaction during an inflammatory periodontal reaction complete with the messenger molecules implicated. The various cell types constitute the main cast of the film, using a finely tuned communication process in their quest to destroy the bacterial invaders, with messenger molecules as supporting cast. The accompanying hardcover booklet includes the original film script and a quiz on the topics discussed in the film. A stunning didactic and dramatic experience!

• Biofilm
• Gingivitis and the Innate Immune Defense
• Periodontitis and the Adaptive Immune Defense
• Cleaning and Regeneration

Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. D. Cochran • Prof. Dr. J. Meyle • Prof. Dr. P. Preshaw • Prof. Dr. M. Sanz

DVD 1: Expert Version (Length: 15 minutes)
DVD 2: Public Version (Length: 12 minutes)