Flapless Implantology
An aparitie: 1st Edition 2010Limba: English
Editie: Hardcover
Nr. pagini: 344
Nr. imagini: 1306
936 lei Prețul inițial a fost: 936 lei.239 leiPrețul curent este: 239 lei.
The difficulties of flapless implant surgery are thought by many to preclude its use in all but the most ideal circumstances. However, this book shows readers how to overcome the perceived challenges of the flapless technique in order to take advantage of its extraordinary benefits, including the preservation of vascularization, soft tissue architecture, and hard tissue volume at the site; decreased surgical time; improved patient comfort; and accelerated healing. Case presentations address a variety of clinical situations and demonstrate the efficacy of flapless surgery. The evidence-based protocols outline the techniques to maximize the definitive outcome, even in the management of challenging cases. The final chapter focuses on flapless implant surgery for specific implant systems. This practical book is a fund of knowledge and an invaluable guide for all those who are interested in flapless implant surgery.
Chapter 01. Flap Versus Flapless Surgeries
Chapter 02. Possibilities and Limitations
Chapter 03. Soft Tissue Punch and Mini-incision Techniques
Chapter 04. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Chapter 05. Flapless Technique
Chapter 06. Drilling
Chapter 07. Stage-Two Surgery
Chapter 08. Spontaneous Early Exposure of Submerged Implants
Chapter 09. Early Plaque Control
Chapter 10. Soft Tissue
Chapter 11. Thick Mucosa
Chapter 12. Deficient Alveolar Ridge
Chapter 13. Socket Lift
Chapter 14. Maxillary Sinus Membrane Elevation
Chapter 15. Maxillary Sinus Bone Grafting
Chapter 16. Clinical Cases
Chapter 17. Implant Systems